Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You

Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for YouThank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You by Deborah Norville

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Norville's hypothesis in this book is if you are a more thankful person, you'll realize the following benefits:

You'll be more optimistic.

You'll exercise more.

You'll think more creatively.

You'll bounce back from adversity faster.

You'll be less intimidated by challenges.

You'll have higher immune response.

You'll be more alert and interested.

You'll be more adventurous.

You'll live longer.

You'll be more likely to help others.

You'll be more likable.

You'll be more tolerant.

You'll be a better boss or team leader.

You might do better on a test.

I think Norville does an admirable job of proving her hypothesis through citing studies and anecdotes. It's a very accessible book, and although I am generally an optimistic person, it was a good reminder of how I need to focus more on counting my blessings and less on getting distracted by things that are not going my way.

Here are some basic "thank you power" suggestions culled from the book:

Make a point to say thank you to someone today.

List three things for which you are thankful--each day.

Write a gratitude letter to someone.

Say thank you to someone overdue to hear it.

Focus on something of beauty, and share it with someone else.

List three mundane things that enhance your daily life.

Think about what's not necessary.

Rent a funny video, or play with the puppies at the pet shop.

Spend 5 minutes listing as many positive life events as possible.

Envision the life you'd like.

Find a blessing in something bad.

Cut the whine.

Focus on a bad situation and how you turned it around.

Do something for someone else--no thanks expected or accepted!

What good deeds for others have you witnessed?

Use your creative side--if you have a hobby, do it! If you don't, find one!

Make or bake something, and share it with someone else.

Embrace your enemy.

Look around--what's right with your world?

Make a list of five people to connect with.

Help someone outside your comfort zone.

What do you stand for?

She has a final chapter for "people of faith," and non-Christian readers might find her occasional references to God jarring. This is a simple read, and I found it interesting to learn about the overlooked benefits of finding more opportunities in my life to be grateful.

View all my reviews

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